Thursday, 9 August 2018

Synopsis For M.Phil

Synopsis For M.Phil
Synopsis for M.Phil, format of synopsis, thesis format, synopsis format for Gomal University D.I Khan.


Modification in Dose Distribution for Radiotherapy Treatment Planning

Research Proposal


Submitted By
M. Phil Scholar
Session 2014-18



Modification in Dose Distribution for Radiotherapy Treatment Planning

Synopsis of proposed thesis research submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of M. Phil.

Submitted By


Approved by the Supervisory Committee
(Name and signature)

1. Prof. Dr. A.B.C                               Supervisor/Chairperson ----------------------------
2. Prof. Dr. X.Y.Z                               Co-Supervisor ---------------------------------------
    Islamia University Bahawalpur

1. Introduction. 4
2. Literature Review.. 4
3. Aims and Objective. 6
4. Sample. 6
5. Methodology. 7
6. Materials. 7
7. Significance. 7
8. References

1.       Introduction

Radiation therapy is used for cancer treatment by using high doses of radiation to kill cancer cells and stop them from spreading. At low doses, radiation is used as an x-ray to see inside your body and take pictures, such as x-rays of your teeth or broken bones. Radiation used in cancer treatment works in much the same way, except that it is given at higher doses.
Radiation therapy can be external or internal. Sometimes people get both forms of radiation therapy [1].
Many people with cancer need radiation therapy. In fact, more than half of people with cancer get radiation therapy. Sometimes, radiation therapy is the only kind of cancer treatment people need.
External beam radiation therapy utilizes a linear accelerator to direct highenergy photons andelectrons at the cancer. To minimize side effects, the treatmentsare usually given on week days for a specific number of weeks which are calculated by the radiationoncologist, physicist, and dosimetrist.
Using treatment planning software, the treatment team controls the size and shape of the beam and how it is aimed at the patient’s body, to effectively treat the tumorwhile avoiding the surrounding normal tissue. Several types of external beam therapy have been discussed. The radiation oncologist will recommend one of thesetreatments if it is medically indicated and suitable for patients care.

2. Literature Review

3. Aims and Objective

4. Sample

Statement of Problem:

To effectively evaluate and implement treatment plans, accurate calculation of radiation dose distribution in three dimensions using 3-dimensional anatomic information is essential [39]. Radiation therapy treatment always focuses to shape the three dimensional dose distribution capable to compactly surround the tumor volume. This implies that the requirements for the spatial accuracy of the relationship between dose and volumes of interest are steadily increasing. The complex anatomy of the patient and the complex shape and intensity distribution of the beam in target volume, make this task not easy to accomplish. Advancement in Radiation therapy treatment and treatment planning leads to provide best possible outcome, but this can only be possible if there is fast and accurate dose calculation engine available. This calculation system is very important component of the treatment planning system.

5. Methodology

The Radiotherapy Machines, such as linear accelerator , and their related Treatment Planing Systems, will be used in ShaukatKhanum Cancer Hospital & Research Center Lahore. The three dimensional conformal radiotherapy, intensity modulated radiation therapy, and image guided radiation therapy , treatment plans will be made and evaluated. Various degress of freedom will be utilized to achieve the best possible dose distribution, and resultantly for the best possible treatment outcome.

6. Materials

7. Significance

Expected Outcome:
The evaluation of treatment plans will help to achieve the optimum and best possible treatment option for cancer patients undergoing radiotherapy. The dose distribution calculation systems will be analyzed and comparative analysis will help to select most appropriate set of parameters.

8. References

Halperin EC, Perez CA, Brady LW (Eds). Principles and Practice of Radiation
Oncology, Fifth Ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2008.

[2].      Mundt AJ, Roeske JC, Chung TD, Weichselbaum RR. Radiation oncology. In: Kufe DW, Bast RC, Hait WN, et al, eds. Cancer Medicine. 7th ed. Hamilton, Ontario. BC: Decker Inc; 2006:517-536.

[3].      Halperin EC. Particle therapy and treatment of cancer. Lancet Oncol. 2006;7:676-685.

[4].      Principles of Radiation Therapy Michael J. Gazda, MS, and Lawrence R. Coia, MD

[5].      American Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology

[6].      American Cancer Society

[7].      National Cancer Institute. FactSheet: Radiation Therapy for Cancer. Accessed at

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McGraw-Hill, New York (1993).

[10].    GREENE, D., WILLIAMS, P.C., Linear Accelerators for Radiation Therapy, Institute
of Physics Publishing, Bristol (1997).

[11].    PODGORSAK, E.B., METCALFE, P., VAN DYK, J., “Medical accelerators”, The
Modern Technology in Radiation Oncology: A Compendium for Medical Physicists and Radiation Oncologists (VAN DYK, J., Ed.), Medical Physics Publishing, Madison, WI (1999) 349–435.

safety considerations: Report of AAPM Radiation Therapy Committee Task Group
No. 35, Med. Phys. 20 (1993) 1261–1275.

[13].    J. Rosenman, E. L. Chaney, S. Sailer, G. W. Sherouse, and J. E. Tepper, "Recent advances in radiotherapy treatment planning," Cancer Invest, vol. 9, pp. 465-81, 1991.

[14].    “Development and Implementation of Conformal Radiotherapy in the United Kingdom”, The Royal College of Radiologists, London; RCP Ref BFCO (02)2; June 2002.

[15].    F.M. Khan . “Physics of Radiation Therapy”. Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, USA, 2003.

[16].    Computerized Treatment Planning Systems For External Photon Beam Radiotherapy by M.D.C. EVANS ,Department of Medical Physics,McGill University Health Centre, Montreal, Quebec, Canada,2005

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